The Mansfield Downtown Partnership hosts a wide variety of events in Downtown Storrs. Join us for one of our annual events listed below!

Be sure to check out our Event Calendar for information on all of the fun things happening downtown each day!

2019 Celebrate Mansfield Festival_Brian Bystrek_23_edited.jpg

Celebrate the best of Mansfield with music, food, & fun each September! Free and open to the public, this is Mansfield's largest event of the year!

Enjoy live music every Thursday evening in June and July! Presented by the Partnership and the Town of Mansfield, these concerts are free and open to the public.

All towns, all ages, and allies are welcome to this free event, part of the Town of Mansfield’s month-long celebration in support of our LGBTQIA2S+ friends and neighbors each June!

Explore Mansfield's historic villages and scenic roads each June during this bicycle tour named for Mansfield's former Fire Chief. Cyclists of all experience levels welcome; registration is required.

Co-sponsored by the Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry and the Mansfield Downtown Partnership, the Summertime Saturday Puppet Shows bring free, family-friendly puppetry to Betsy Paterson Square in July.

Be on the look out for goblins, ghouls, and ghosts! The Downtown Storrs Boo Bash is free and open to the public. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Celebrate the start of the winter season with frosty fun in Downtown Storrs! Winter Welcome is free and open to the public.

We invite all Mansfield businesses and community organizations to participate in our events.

If you have questions or would like more information about a specific event, please feel free to contact the Mansfield Downtown Partnership office by email or call 860.429.2740.

Top photo: ©Kim Bova Photography; Festival photo: Brian Bystrek; Tour de Mansfield photo: Levin Aerial Works; Puppet Show: Courtesy of Ballard Institute & Museum of Puppetry; Trick-or-Treat photo: Kathleen M. Paterson; All other photos: Laura Stone Photography